Why Do Kids Wet the Bed After Being Potty Trained?

Why Do Kids Wet the Bed After Being Potty Trained?

Even after your child is dry during the day, and is capable of using the potty when they need to, they can still experience bedwetting at night. Bedwetting (also called...
Secondary Enuresis

Understanding Secondary Enuresis: A Guide for Mums

Bedwetting, a common occurrence among children, can sometimes persist beyond the age when it's typically expected to stop. This prolonged bedwetting, known as Secondary Enuresis, can be confusing and concerning...
Handling Bedwetting: A Guide on How to Deal with Your Child's Issue

Bed Wetting Alarms: An Easy Guide to...What, When, and Why Should My Child Use One

Bedwetting is a common concern among parents, but there's good news – bedwetting alarms can be a game-changer in managing this issue. You might be thinking...what is a bedwetting alarm...
bedwetting sheets

The Connection between Constipation and Bedwetting in Kids

Dealing with bedwetting in children can be a challenging and often disheartening experience for parents. The frustration and concern are entirely understandable, but what if I told you that there...
nocturnal enuresis

Understanding Nocturnal Enuresis in Children: A Guide for Parents

Parenthood comes with its fair share of challenges, and one common concern that many parents face is nocturnal enuresis, more commonly known as bedwetting. If your child wets the bed,...
Boys - Why sit for a wee before bed?

Boys - Why sit for a wee before bed?

The recommendation for boys to sit down to wee before bed can be a preventive measure for bedwetting. Here are a few reasons why: Complete bladder emptying Sitting down to...