From Real People

Real Life Stories

Bed Wetting, Nighttime Potty Training & Other Bladder Stories

We appreciate that both bedwetting & night time potty training can be challenging times for many which is why we want to bring you some life accounts and stories. These come from real people we have spoken that we feel will benefit both parents and children.

We always aim to keep these stories anonymous so if you would like to share any stories with us that you feel may help others, would would love it if you could get in contact with us.

We aim to try and make this topic more widely talked about and we can only do this with your help.

Bedwetting up to the age of 17

This is a real life account of a girl who has experienced bedwetting up to the age of 17. This story is written from the heart and aims to help others going through a similar situation.

A fathers account of his bedwetting experience as a child

This is a real life account of a Father, who experienced bedwetting until the age of 13. Now that he is a father with a family of his own, he would like to help others going through similar situations