At Hygge Sheets we have a passion for understanding our customers and their experiences. We have been talking to people who have experienced bedwetting in childhood so we can really understand how they felt and offer to advice to other parents, teenagers and children. 

Its our passion to make bedwetting a more talked about subject through education and awareness. 

This is a real life account of a Father, who experienced bedwetting until the age of 13

Going on Scout Camp and dealing with bedwetting

"I wet the bed until I was 13 years old.  It made sleepovers very difficult and was a huge source of embarrassment.  I was a member of the cubs and scouts, and went on many camps.  My sleeping bag always smelt terrible.  More embarrassment.  I didn't know anybody else with the problem.  It was all a bit odd because I'd never known any different, so didn't consciously think too much about it, but looking back I must have spent a lot of time hiding it.  

It's difficult to remember the details of how I felt - perhaps I've pushed it back into my subconscious a bit - but I'm sure the embarrassment of it all knocked my confidence and self-esteem a great deal.  I wouldn't wish the problem on anyone!

"I don't think I talked to anybody about it at all because it was too embarrassing and I was too ashamed"

The embarrassment of bedwetting around friends

Scout camp.  I'd wake up in a tent full of lads, with a soaking, stinking sleeping bag.  Dad insisted on me having an ex-army sleeping bag that was filled with feathers and down and had a waterproof underside.  very nice, but didn't dry very well, and properly smelt when wet.  I would leave it unrolled to dry for as long as possible, but we had to roll up all sleeping bags for inspection after an hour or so of being awake, so it'd be wet again already for the second night.  It was awful.  I don't think I talked to anybody about it at all because it was too embarrassing and I was too ashamed.  I didn't get any support at all for these particular occasions as far as I recall.

"Back at school I got pretty paranoid that everyone was just talking about my stinking room behind my back.  Not a pleasant feeling at all."

Having friends round when experiencing bedwetting

Another time that stands out was when I had a few friends over for a birthday party, we went to my bedroom and all I could smell was the stink of my bed.  Everyone else must have been able to smell it, but nobody said anything.  Back at school I got pretty paranoid that everyone was just talking about my stinking room behind my back.  Not a pleasant feeling at all.

Star Reward System didn't help with bedwetting

For a while, my parents used a star-reward system, where I'd earn a star for every night that was dry, and after a certain number I'd get a different colour, then after a few of that colour I'd get a gift or something.  This didn't do a thing - I had no control over it!

Visiting a specialist - Bedwetting Alarms

Eventually, at the age of 13, my parents took me to a specialist (I don't think they discussed it with me, or even mentioned it - they just decided to go ahead and take me there), who recommended an alarm, which I started wearing.  More embarrassment.  However after only a couple of weeks of wearing the alarm, I stopped!  I don't think I've ever wet the bed since.
I just wish we'd known about the alarm sooner, and skipped all the reward system rubbish.

"If my kids had the problem, I'd make absolutely sure to let them know the family history.  It was basically the only thing that made it ok for me."

My dad told me he wet the bed until his late teens (19 I think), and that his mum had also done the same, but into her 20s.  This really made it much easier to handle, knowing it was fairly normal in some way at least.  If my kids had the problem, I'd make absolutely sure to let them know the family history.  It was basically the only thing that made it ok for me.

"Talk about it openly, and to make sure the child knows it's a common problem"

What will help other kids and parents when it comes to bedwetting

The only things I'd take from my experiences are that it's good to talk about it openly, and to make sure the child knows it's a common problem.  And to use an alarm as soon as possible!
Hygge Sheets thank you for the opportunity to speak to you and find out about your journey. We hope that your story will help others and make them feel less alone.

Why purchase a Hygge Sheet®?

As a mum of 2 children, Hygge Sheets® have been designed with parents and kids in mind. Our products are both practical for parents and fun for kids. Described as a "Game Changer" by parents this is a must have product!