Potty training is a significant milestone in a child's development, and for parents, it marks a transition from diapers to using the toilet independently. Bedwetting is a common occurrence during the potty training journey, and to tackle this, parents often turn to potty training bed pads. These waterproof pads provide protection to mattresses and sheets, giving parents peace of mind while their little ones navigate through this crucial stage. In this article, we'll explore the pros and cons of disposable and reusable bedwetting mats to help you make an informed decision for your child.

1. Convenience and Ease of Use

Disposable Bedwetting Mats:
Disposable bed pads are undoubtedly convenient as they are pre-packaged and ready to use right out of the box. They offer a hassle-free solution since there's no need to worry about washing or maintaining them. Simply dispose of the soiled pad and replace it with a fresh one.

Reusable Bedwetting Mats:
On the other hand, reusable bed pads do require washing after use ans then dried before being ready for reuse. While this may seem like an extra chore, many parents find it more environmentally friendly and cost-effective in the long run. Using a bedwetting mat like Hygge Sheets can make navigating night time potty training less stressful and fun for kids with our supper cool designs. 

2. Environmental Impact

Disposable Bedwetting Mats:
One significant concern with disposable bed pads is their impact on the environment. As they are designed for single-use, they contribute to the growing problem of waste and pollution. If you're conscious of your environmental footprint, disposable bedwetting mats may not be the ideal choice.

Reusable Bedwetting Mats:
For eco-conscious parents, reusable bed pads are a preferable option. By choosing to wash and reuse these pads, you can significantly reduce your contribution to landfills, making them a more sustainable choice.


3. Cost-effectiveness

Disposable Bedwetting Mats:
While disposable bed pads offer convenience, the cost can add up over time, especially if your child's bedwetting phase lasts for an extended period. Frequent purchases of disposable pads can strain your budget.

Reusable Bedwetting Mats:
Though reusable bed pads might have a higher upfront cost, they can save you money in the long term. By investing in a few high-quality reusable pads, you can use them repeatedly without the need for frequent replacements.

4. Absorbency and Leak Protection

Disposable Bedwetting Mats:
Most disposable bed pads come with excellent absorbency and leak protection. They are designed to lock in moisture and prevent leaks from reaching the mattress, ensuring a comfortable and dry night for your child.

Reusable Bedwetting Mats:
The absorbency of reusable bed pads can vary depending on the brand and quality. Some reusable pads might not be as effective as disposable ones in preventing leaks, so it's essential to invest in a reliable and well-reviewed option.


Choosing between disposable and reusable potty training bed pads ultimately comes down to your family's unique needs and priorities. Disposable pads offer convenience but may have a negative impact on the environment and can be costly in the long run. On the other hand, reusable pads are environmentally friendly and more cost-effective, although they require additional maintenance.

Consider your lifestyle, budget, and environmental concerns when making your decision. Whether you opt for the convenience of disposable bed pads or the sustainability of reusable ones, providing your child with a comfortable and supportive potty training experience is what matters most. Happy potty training!

Why purchase a Hygge Sheet®?

As a mum of 2 children, Hygge Sheets® have been designed with parents and kids in mind. Our products are both practical for parents and fun for kids. Described as a "Game Changer" by parents this is a must have product!