Nighttime potty training is a significant milestone in a child's development, but determining the right age to start can be challenging for many parents. While daytime potty training usually begins around age two to three, night potty training requires a different level of physical readiness. In this article, we'll explore the factors to consider and the best age to commence night potty training for your little one.

1. Daytime Dryness Consistency

Before starting night potty training, it's essential to ensure that your child consistently stays dry during the day. Daytime dryness indicates that they have gained control over their bladder and are more likely to be ready for night training. If your child consistently wakes up from naps or through the day with a dry diaper for several weeks, it could be a sign of readiness.

2. Age and Developmental Readiness

While daytime potty training can begin around the age of two, night potty training typically starts later. Most children achieve nighttime bladder control between the ages of three and five. However, it's essential to remember that every child is unique, and readiness may vary. Some children might be ready earlier, while others may require more time.

3. Bladder Capacity

One of the crucial factors in night potty training is your child's bladder capacity. Nighttime dryness depends on their ability to hold urine for an extended period while sleeping. Children with smaller bladders may take longer to achieve nighttime dryness, while those with larger bladders might progress faster.

4. Signs of Readiness

Watch for signs that your child is ready for night potty training. These signs include waking up dry after naps, expressing discomfort with soiled diapers, or showing interest in using the potty before bedtime. If your child begins to recognize the sensation of a full bladder and communicates their need to use the bathroom, it's a positive indication of readiness.

5. Bedtime Routine

Establishing a consistent bedtime routine can aid in the night potty training process. Encourage your child to use the potty before bedtime to empty their bladder. Limiting their liquid intake in the evening can also help reduce the chances of nighttime accidents. Our night time potty training children's story "It's ok, said bed"  is perfect for explaining night time potty training to children and establishing some good routines to prepare for ditching the pullups.

6. Gradual Approach

Night potty training should be approached gradually and with patience. It's essential to manage expectations and understand that accidents may happen during the process. Using waterproof mattress protectors and investing in absorbent bedtime underwear can provide added support and comfort during this transition.

7. Avoiding Pressure

Avoid putting unnecessary pressure on your child to achieve nighttime dryness. Every child progresses at their own pace, and pressuring them may lead to stress and setbacks. Offer praise and encouragement for small successes, and be supportive throughout the journey.


Night potty training is a significant milestone that requires physical readiness and developmental maturity. While some children may be ready as early as three years old, others may take longer to achieve nighttime dryness. As a parent, it's crucial to observe your child's cues, remain patient, and create a positive and supportive environment during this transition.

Remember that each child is unique, and comparing their progress to others may not be productive. Focus on the signs of readiness and gradually introduce night potty training into their routine. With time, patience, and encouragement, your child will achieve nighttime dryness and take another step towards independence. Happy night potty training!

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