Did you know you can use our potty training bed pads right the way through your potty training journey. 

You can use our sheets not only to protect your child’s mattress at night but they’re also super handy to;

1. Protect your Sofa; 

Simply pop the potty training bed pad on the sofa when your child is potty training. At first they are likely to have a few accidents and you may want to stay at home whilst you practise. Popping a Hygge sheet on the sofa will protect your sofa from getting ruined. Not only that - your child will love our super cool designs. Don't forget to check out our bed mats for kids 


2. Under the Potty; 

Simply pop your hygge sheet under the potty to protect your carpets from getting wee on. Often when initially potty training you might want to have the potty located near to where your child is - and that might not always be in the bathroom. So it's likely that the potty at certain points during the day will be directly on carpet (if you have carpet in your house) and this is something you don't want getting wee on. 


Wee smell can be tricky to get out of carpet and so you really want to be protecting the carpet. Placing a Hygge Sheet under the potty 

3. Naptimes:

 When potty training is established you may find you don’t need a pull-up for naptime but just want that peace of mind that your child’s mattress is protected. Using potty training bed pads on your child's bed will allow you to have that well deserved coffee in peace. 

4. On your child's bed:

Finally and more obviously - use your potty training bed sheet to protect your child bed once your child is ready to ditch the nappies at night.

BONUS! Oh and our sheets can be fab to protect your beds from sickness too. We've certainly been saved on more than a few occasions! 

Take Care

Catherine x

Why purchase a Hygge Sheet®?

As a mum of 2 children, Hygge Sheets® have been designed with parents and kids in mind. Our products are both practical for parents and fun for kids. Described as a "Game Changer" by parents this is a must have product!